Alright, so we're in a bit of a predicament this year. We've got SO many garments to showcase and it seems that we're not going to be able to get them all into one show.
Just as kris said in the previous post, fashion films are an excellent way to present your work and are exciting to make aswell. SOOOOO
what if....
try to imagine it :)
We use millennium point, like we did a few years ago and put on an event/exhibition/fashion show/thing :)
this would include 3-4 shows throughout the day. one for 1st years, one for 2nd years, one for foundation and then one for press showcasing the strongest pieces from all three years.
meanwhile we can have sort of cubicles set up where the garments are set up on the manniquinns (excuse the spelling, i just had a major mind blank) and have the fashion films playing in the background. If you do your video rigt, your garments should look fantastic:) and you can capture the movement that they won't get on the stand.
It would probably be better to do this on a saturday though, as a sort of day event which would mean commitment from everyone.
this way it wont matter what time your parents or friends finish work or whatever, they wont miss the show. they can come up before the show, take a look around and then watch it, or watch the show and then take a look around after. or if they can't make it to the actual show then they can just pop up when they have time and take alook around.
TUTOR EMILY! this could work if we used the black box aswell :) like seperate, look arounders from the show veiwers.
ANYWHO, it's just an idea, and i know it seems ambitious, but we are design students who bring ideas to life and there's definatly enough of us.
So yeah, theres an idea. wadda ya think :)
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6 years ago
Emily, can you arrange for me to see the black box this week?