Friday, 28 May 2010

Photoshoot - In half term

Hi everyone

The catalogue goes to print before we come back from half term so those of you in control of this (photography, styling and catalogue) are responsible for making sure that EVERYONE has a postcard and EVERYONES synopsis is with the right photograph . As far as I am aware it is Lara and Zeli who are missing but I need this triple checked because we simply cannot have anyones missing.

Please make sure this happens before Wednesday of next week.


Thursday, 27 May 2010

Song for end of show?

Been thinking about what to have for the end of the show. Here is a few ideas.

Last one is a bit cheesey but everyone likes cheese right? ha


Problem! Zeli

So the photoshoots are finished, but there is one garment that wasnt shot. This is Zeli's yellow and purple dress. I dont know what to do about it now, because to create another shoot for one garment would take hours. Apparently it was just forgot about, and didnt fit, and wasnt ready. I was assured this is the only garment missing as I wasnt in the last shoot, so I wasnt sure.
I dont know what to do?
Sorry Zeli.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Show Tickets

Today Demi and me have sorted out the tickets issue and this afternoon i have placed the order and payed for the tickets to be printed ,we should have them ready by friday afternoon.

Show Music What We Have So Far.

Just to get some idea of how we are doing i thought id put up what we have so far for each collection.




Back to black

Between the wars



None of these are definite just what I'm ideas so far. Any suggestions are welcome just post them on the blog.

Also here is my email again if people want to send me their FMP music


Ummm, just thought I'd let you know while I remember, that my mum said it's okay to use the two tvs we have in the attic but I'll have to bring them in after the holiday :)

More shoes

Hey just noticed that New look have lots of heels for £15. Is worth a look right even if they are no good !

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Our Teams

Hi, I just read back to a post from a few weeks ago to where the lists of people's teams were allocated. I haven't heard anything from two people in my team; many people have said that the same few people from their teams aren't turning up for their jobs. Aren't we all supposed to be pitching in here????





( Color: Nude )


Bit O Both

just a few i could find within a reasonable amount to the budget - none are OMG :O :D
but there just some i found :)
has anyone from styling checked to see who is going to the press show? if any major retailers are going then maybe we could loan since they'd be coming to the show and you could just play it up that its good publicity for their collection.
like style in the city ( but obv not as expensive as those lol )
just a suggestion :)

oh and male shoes???

Catalogue Team // Photography and Kris!

Please can you make sure you are in by 8.45am tomorrow (Wed)

(Anyone reading this please text, facebook, email those teams)

We have A LOT of work to do... and need to get final shots and synopsis to graphics by 10am.

Becki P - please grammar check all the work for the synopsis - I am also going to task you with writing the large collection synopsis as you did such a marvelous job today =)

Photography team - please have contact sheets to me asap

"Lets Go to Work" (Extra point to those who correctly guess the film reference)


I had another look for cheaper shoes and found these on

A bit blurred. Sorry but its £15.


Just a little something.

This is kind of depressing, but after today I think everyone had a big shock as to how much time we have left. So I've done this so everyone knows where they are at.

OK....... This is our time left. The highlighted parts is the time we have left in the lab.

TU 25th
WE 26th
TH 27th
FR 28th
SA 29th
SU 30th
MO 31st
TU 1st
WE 2nd
TH 3rd
FR 4th
SA 5th
SU 6th
MO 7th
TU 8th
WE 9th
TH 10th
FR 11th
SA 12th
SU 13th
MO 14th
TU 15th SHOWTIME!!!!!!!!

We can do it!! :)


How many confirmed models do we have as the board is looking mighty empty!



Currently we have no tickets to the show... this isn't a massive issue as I know you are only inviting friends and family to the show in the hall. However we need to give them something that tells them the dates and times.

This needs to be designed AND go to print AND be given out by Friday... it cannot be done "in house" ie in the FEED studio as they are printing for their London Show, therefore we need to go directly to Heathcotes and have these printed.

If someone can do the art work we can get these done tomorrow afternoon and pay cash. We will need 600 tickets printed.

Can someone take ownership of this task?


Mukesh has asked me to bring a proof of the catalogue to him by Friday 2pm so that it can be signed off.

Therefore you will need to work very quickly with the graphics students to get this completed.

The catalogue needs to be sent to print by end of this week or we won't have a catalogue at all.

You must all work together and support each other with deadlines to get it done. I would suggest that you start at 8am on Thursday and have the shoot finished by 12pm so that Graphics have 24hours to drop the images into the magazine.


Harriet and Kim please get the synopsis for the catalogue to graphics by 9am tomorrow so they can start work on the text.

Good Luck Guys!


These shoes might work for a few things.. Done up tight could look nice for black dress etc, but if left messy would work nice for more the sinner side maybe catastrophe ?

They are from £15 each

(sorry I'm not sure how to get the photo to show)

Shoes, Styling

Realising we only have 8 working days left made me realise we need to start styling these garments for the show now.

So I began looking on some websites and seeing what shoes they have to offer.
Here are a few I think would work.
Let me know what you think, these are just starting points in a way.
House Of Fraser
Magnolia Lace Up Open Courts

I think these could work well for the 60's project as they would work nicely with brightly coloured tights.

Could also work in the hair project?

New Look
Lace Up Leather Courts
I really like the almost industrial look of these, and not too sparkly and pretty. They also come in black. Im thinkin Catastrophe or Back to Black.

Miss N Black Lace Peep Toe Shoes
In black and Ivory, I like the lace on this, RAF or Senses???

Any thoughts?


Me and Harriet had a meeting with Adam to start getting ideas for print designs for the black t-shirts today.

Any ideas ???

One of our initial ideas was to incorporate the crows that are in the office into a print. We also thought we could fill the birds with prints that have been previously created throughout the year. We are going to speak to Vicky tomorrow to see if they have any suitable successful ones. This is only idea but if anybody knows of any good prints let us know :)

Also if people can start bringing in their own t-shirts to either me or Harriet, but we need them by Tuesday 8th of June! ( Day after London trip)

Thanks :)


I'm meant to have Lucy.A as my helper but i have no idea who she is =S
Can someone to tell her to holla at me via my blog asap, shes my new PA! Lol

Monday, 24 May 2010

Raffle tickets

FASHION:LAB students are raising money for their end of year Fashion Show. Today they will be in the college selling raffle tickets for the opportunity to win one of these amazing prizes: * Epsom 3in1 printer, scanner, photocopier * Haircut and blow dry. * New Era Caps. * Luxury Manicure * Mobile phone photo printer * Beauty bag * And a range of handmade goodies including Tshirts, handbags and jewelry hand made by the fashion students. Tickets are only £1 for a strip so please dig deep and help out this fantastic cause. If you don't manage to pick up a ticket today then please pop over to the Fashion:Lab before Wednesday 9th June where tickets will be available from the office. If you wish to be present, the draw will be held on Thursday 10th June at 12pm, in the Fashion:Lab. Thanks for everyones support!

Photoshoot Sinners

Hey, today we got through quite a few of the sinners outfits that we currently have, so here's a few of the ones that I took, of course Shaun has more, and if you check my facebook you can see all of my images, where you may find some other images stronger. Let me know what you think in regards to what we are expecting for the show catalogue.

Catwalk stage ideas. (I like all the lighting effects)


can ALL! hair and make-up bring in make-up and any hair stuff for 2moro for 9o'clock because we are doing another photoshoot !. :)
And all 2nd years bring their FMP garments they want photographed in aswell.



I still need second year and foundation students to be giving me their music for the show. I have only had one track so far and need to be putting all the tracks together sooner rather than later. So if you can email me or give me some music as soon as possible i can get it done instead of rushing around on the day of the show!!

Also if anyone else has any ideas or suggestions they want to make music wise then feel free to do so.

Thank you nicely


Catwalk Ideas

Googleing away and found these beautiess,

I like the basicness of this backdrop and how it sets a scene, but think it'd go more with the parents shows maybe?

McQueen never fails. Not sure how to give it more of a unique twist but i like the idea of all the garments on at once and them some voice tannoy telling them each to move to like centre stage and make it like a propper chess game maybe?

End Of Year Show, Press Release + F:L Ideas

So I was going through Emilys list of contacts and here are some Press/VIP we may want there...

Connexions: Mary Sergeant
Galaxy FM Promotions
Birmingham City Council - Barbara Kelly
British American Media
Fused Magazine
Creative Republic
Clothes Show Live
Fashion Fusion Awards
Dazed & Confused Magazine
JnJ Financial Management - David A Neale
Fancy Silk Store
House Of Fraser (Beth Coburn)
Adarge Models
Marketing Birmingham - Emma Ward
Nigel Godfrey - Manager of Retail Birmingham
Stylist Magazine
Jacob Kimmie

Also from today some suggestions were made as to how we want the Fashion Lab to look for the VIP Press Show. I think it was Jessica B who came up with the idea of making the outside looking 'industrial' collection together old TV's and lots of wires and extension plus. Having everything blacked out completley then lit up with spotlights. Emily suggested having like a boxed out room inside the Fashion Lab where the it was all exclusive only the VIPs could come inside and see the 'Best of the Best' collections (mixing them up rather then actually having them go ou in colections)

Show Ideas.

Okay having a mooch on the interweb. Maybe these could be good?

you'll have to click on them to see the whole image. especially for the last one.

Sunday, 23 May 2010


Okay, so I know we've got a raffle going but I also thought of another way that we could raise some funds that might be fun.

We all took part in the sponsored sew for children in need and we did pretty well for that, and some of us even dressed up for it.

What if we tried getting sponsored of family and friends for coming to college dressed up as celebrities or something like that. it's just an idea that could be quite fun and make a bit more dosh for the show. let me know what you think. It should be really easy to sort out,  Just set a date, make some forms and off we go :)


I am not sure if you have a song for the Little Black dress yet?
When I think of the 60's I think psychedelia?

Gonjasufi- DedNd

Styling, Foundation and 2nd Years, Photoshoot Ideas

As we all know there were too many people at the photoshoot last wednesday so I have decided to split the stylists between the remaining shoots to give everyone more space to do something.

Monday Photoshoot:

Thursday Photoshoot (and possibly tuesday if more time is needed):
Emily H

These are all the stylists I have knowledge of so if you are a stylists you will need to get more involved and let me know.

Will the foundations please get there Senses and Sports collections in so we can start looking at them as a whole collection and sorting them out.

Also will the 2nd years get there Back to Black and RAF garments in ASAP.

Also I found these images and was wondering is this the type of images we want in the show catalogue as I personally really think this would work well.

I personally prefer the first 2.

Any thoughts.
Let me know.


Thanks for sending me them, but a few have things missing such as titles and progression so if you have I've emailed you just to let you know whats missing if you can reply to those it would be a great help :)

I am handing them over Monday !!!

Also i still haven't received a few and I'm not sure who isn't do a collection for the show so if you could either let me know if your not or send me your synopsis with a title and your progression please.

Second Years missing :


Foundations missing:


Saturday, 22 May 2010

Raffle Tickets

Hi everyone :)

Just a quick post to let you know how our raffles getting on. So far we have £7.00 in the kitty which we gained from the teachers on 7th floor of MBC. If anyone has any ideas of where we can go to sell tickets please let me (Nicole) or Siobhan in 1st year know. Anyone who took a batch of tickets home to sell to family and friends please bring money in A.S.AP and give to Kim in 1st year (The banker). We also now have prize sheets to hand with the tickets so again if you would like some please come to me and Siobhan.



Found these images on a blog thought they might go, the glitter ones for saints and harsher dark eye makeup for sinners.

Makeup: Sinners

Yesterday at the meeting Shan said that everyone really liked the idea of the hair net with the wiggle of hair down the side i think it was?
well i found a makeup alternative from Illamasqua if they had short hair:
you'll know which pic i'm on about

oh i also showed a picture for saints at the meeting with a very illuminated glow
with the fiver fund we could afford some of:

Yes the second is a bit more pricy but it would go a lot further
i have one of the tube highlighters so if anyone wants to see what it looks like just ask :)

Friday, 21 May 2010

Fiver on Monday

Hey could everyone bring a fiver in on Monday and give it to Kimberly Stansfield so she can mark of your name:)


Hi all please do not send anything to press or VIP we have official branded invites and press releases being put together. If you do have a contact that you think should be invited then please add it to the press teams list. DO NOT EMAIL THEM! Thanks Guys

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Help please!!

So I'm working on the write up for the press release, It's all sort of new to me so I'm not entirely sure what I need to write. I've been sort of following a basic structure from the Free Range 2010 one.
Heres what I've got so far...
Any ideas to make it better/things that need to go in/get taken out... if you could let me know please:)
I'm going to add images etc, this is just the basic write up.

At the end of every college year the Birmingham Metropolitan College is known for putting on a slick Fashion Show which showcases all of their student’s work throughout the academic year. Their fresh new collections are put down the catwalk attracting people from all over in and around Birmingham.

The Fashion:Lab is a new a development with this college and is based at Thinktank Millennium Point, it really focuses on inspiring young creative minds to make the best of their talent. The Creative Art’s department at the BMC is filled with a team of people who all have one focus in mind: how can they help make Birmingham better? Each teacher within the Fashion department have had industry experience working in the Fashion world. They pass their knowledge down on to the students by pushing them to create work to the highest of their ability, hence the excellent reputation they exceed.

Through each term the student’s at the Fashion:Lab produce a fantastic amount of work, alongside designing and making garments a lot of their interests also goes into illustrations and photography.

The end of year Fashion Show is always an exciting event, both for the students and the audiences. The tremendous support the students receive from those watching is a real encouragement to them, plus it’s a celebration for all the hard work they’ve put in. This year’s show showcases the work of the first years, second years and the foundations. Whilst a selection of garments from all the students get put on to the runway, the Foundation and Second years get to show their collections for their Final Major Project.


Emily also suggested adding some photos in the press release. So I was looking through Shauns amazing shots! thinking we could add a few of them in..

Wednesday, 19 May 2010


A few song options maybe?

Japan/Back to Black?




Philip Glass-Dead things


Hi First Years

Firstly a great big thank you for all the hard work you are putting into the show. It is great to see so much energy and enthusiasm!

Can you please remember the following....

Over the next two weeks you must complete your projects for Photography/Illlustration/Textiles/Fashion/CAD/Drawing/Production and attend these lessons AS NORMAL!

Any extra curricular activities related to the show must happen in the time allocated outside these lessons, you do not have permission to leave early.

During next week and the week after half term we will expect you to attend 9-4pm everyday (letters to follow for parents) BUT you will still attend lessons as normal within these hours.

For example: Student A has had all fashion units signed off - they will attend Fashion as normal on Monday but will work alongside their allocated 2nd year/Foundation student. Student B still has 2 units in fashion to complete they will attend fashion as normal and complete these units, before they begin work on the show.

Any questions/confusion please ask Emily or Jeanette.

Thank you

makeup and hair suggestions


i was listening to a band called Metronomy and I thought they had some good tunes
because I dont have a clue how to put a video up i will list their songs and you check them out.

you could easily have me
radio ladio
my heart rate rapid
a thing for me
the end of you too
not made for love

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


I (EmilyFH) need to see Shaun and the press team after Textiles this morning - can someone let them know?

Thank you 

Sound of Music

I can finally post on the fashion lab blog!!

Second years and Foundation i need you to be thinking of tracks for your FMP collections and getting them to me in the next few weeks so i can put the play list together. You can either put it on a CD or just email it to me.

More ideas for music for the show.

I was thinking of maybe some how using some visuals. i don't know how it would work or look yet but its juts an idea let me know what you think?

Start of the show or Catastrophe collection.

another for Catastrophe

Sportswear maybe?




A few more hair and makeup ideas

Seek inspiration everywhere!

Fiver Fund

Just thinking about the fiver fund and it's getting real close now and it's really important that £5 is collected from EVERYONE within the next week.
Kim, I know you offered to manage this... have you set a date to have it in? Just wondered, because if not I think it should be Friday at the latest, that gives people plenty of time put a few pounds aside.


If there is already a deadline set, or something, when is it please??


Staff team leaders

Hi Everyone

I know how much work and effort some of you are putting into making the show a success. Those of you who are with us for the third year will have first hand knowledge of this and will know just how much is expected of both the staff and the students.  

You all have team leaders within your group and it is important that you are communicating and having meetings as often as possible... make sure everyone is 'in the picture'.

Today the staff team had a meeting a designated roles, so that you have a point of call (and someone to remind you of our time limits!)

Lorna - Raffle, Show rails
Emily - Catalogue, Press, Venue, Photography Filming and Show order, Ticket management
Adam - Modeling team, T.Shirts, Photography at the show
Shan - Show rails, Hair and Makeup and managing the photos/video to go out to last years models with 2nd years assisting this. 

Some key dates for you to have in your diary/blackberry/Iphone/Ical 

Tuesday 18th May    
  • Synopsis completed for show catalogue

Wednesday 19th May
  • Large collection photos completed 2.30pm gallery 
  • Hair and make up finalised for fashion shoot and show - final looks on the board - Please be adventurous with this. 

Thursday 20th May    
  • Raffle prizes finalised and tickets signed out to be sold.  Each book of raffle tickets we sell is worth £200 - we expect everyone to sell some!        
  • Finalised models to go on the board

Monday 24th May      
  • Second year garments photo shoot
  • Deadline for trip money to GFW

Tuesday 25th May  
  • 2nd year final assessment day

Wednesday 26th May 
  • Foundation formative assessment day

Thursday 27th May    
  • Foundation year photo shoot
  • 2nd year full line up crit  

Tuesday 8th June      
  • All black Tshirts to be handed in to Adam by this date
  • Screen finalised for Tshirt and Kodatrace given to Vicky


Monday 24th May - This is when we start the long days!  All students are expected to attend  9-4pm everyday! - You will attend your lessons as normal and come back to Fashion:Lab.

As a final note can I ask that you do not swap around your designated 1st year helpers, they have been allocated very carefully.  Please note that anyone who has made unauthorised changes will have these changed back. Thanks ;)

May the force be with you x  

End Of Year Show Meeting!

Just a quick reminder, we have got a meeting tomorrow at half 11 in the Fashion Lab for the show. Make sure all the team leaders are there:)


im not sure if we are still looking for a venue but if we are mailbox emailed back and they said the space where Style the city took place is not available. and that's including the tunnel as well


I did ask before but does anyone have any old dolls (particularly porcelain) so i can photograph asap please?? First person to bring them can have some sweets of their choosing? =P

Photo Shoot

Graphics need to know do we defiantly have some one to photograph tomorrow for the first photo shoot between 2 and 4?
Also have we decided on what garments are being used and how they are going to be styled ?
Thanks :)

Monday, 17 May 2010


Stylists meeting at 11 at the fashion lab tomorrow to get started on the collections.

Thanks : )


Dont know how to save this vid to post it on the blog so i put up the link to it, song off peugeot ad, trying to find out whether its been released yet or not tho but i like it!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

music suggestions


Sports where



At the moment no one has spoken up about ideas on how to style these collections and the ideas i have had have been posted on this blog. If you know you are in the styling team we need to start thinking and fast, so you need to be regularly checking the blog for ideas.

Second years and Foundations

Thanks to those have sent me your snynopis :)

But I have only had about 10 from second years and none from foundations which is slightly worrying since they really need to get started now !!

So please send them to me asap !

thanks again :)

music ideas

For the music for the show im thinking:

LBD- 60's music (but i want to look more into that) and Frankie and The heartstrings, Tender.
Hair- lykke Li My love, Au Revoir Simone Anywhere you Looked
Catastrophe- The xx either Basic Space or Crystalised, Delphic Clarion Call or Acolyte, Foals Electric Bloom and Chew Lips Slick.
Im going to put some onto a cd just i dont know who i give it too.
Lucy x

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Ideas for show music

This is Matt, since I can't comment on here yet I'm using Jess' account.

Firstly, will all FMP students try and get their music, or at least the name of the track/artist to us soon as please. So that we can start getting a playlist together ready.

In regards to ideas for the other collections, this is what I'm thinking so far, but feel free to give opinions and other suggestions...

1st Years:
LBD- I was thinking music from the 60s, but not obvious.
Catastrophe- Been looking at Crystal Castles new album, it seems suitable.

2nd Years:
Back to Black-???
1920s RAF Cosford.- ??

Sense- Nouvelle Vague
Ugly/Beautiful- Mad World remix
Sportswear: Maybe some old school hip hop?

Obviously there's a few gaps, so speak up if you have any ideas.

Raffle Prize - Jacob Kimmie

Hello Jacob Kimmie people... I had an idea!  Why don't you approach him about donating a few raffle prizes?

Ideas - hair and makeup