Friday, 14 May 2010


So today after the meeting me and Gina went around town in search for sponserships and venues!

We went into Selfridges to ask about their underground carpark. We've been given the number of their manager and told to phone them on the Monday - But we may need to contact the head office. We've also given them a letter me and Gina made earlier about details of the show and whether they'd be able to sponser us or even just attend. The lady we spoke to said if we want a sponsership it's best to sort out the venue first.

Lorna suggested getting in contact with small boutiques, and she said that Madamme Butterflies are generally keen on attending shows like these - and if there are any of the students work they really like they may put it in the shop window! But that's entirely upto the students and how they'd feel about that.

Emily contacted the Mailbox and Harvey Nichols so we avoided going there, as they were going to get back to us.

We then thought of other venues which may be available, and came up with the idea of having it at a hotel. So of the internet we got names of different hotels in and around Birmingham City Centre and their telephone numbers. We spent most of the afternoon phoning them up, and talking to them basically about how we need the room free and if they were willing to sponser us. Here's the results we got:

Raddison Hotel:
They have one room where the maximum capacity is of 150 people (and that's standing up)
The have another which can be filled with 130 people (Sat down)
And a 'U' shaped room which can only hold 50 people.
Considering how many people are expected to attend this show I don't think the space given will be big enough. But the lady gave me her name and the direct number for the events office if we wish to hire this venue out.

Copthorne Hotel:
Said there was nothing they could do at the moment, but to phone back Monday and speak directly to the manager.

Britannia Hotel:Again told us to phone back Monday, but we've also been given the managers email address so whichever we choose to do. I think we're going to email her over the weekend, and if we have no reply then phone back on Monday.

Holiday Inn:They said they have a lot of people enquiring about holding Fashion Shows there, and the lady told me to phone back on Monday morning because the manager wasn't there.

Jury's Inn:
Have taken all of our detail about ou show, including the amount of people expected to come and will get bck to us.

We're hoping to get a copy of last year's press release from Adam (Graphics) on Monday!

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