Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Fiver Fund

Just thinking about the fiver fund and it's getting real close now and it's really important that £5 is collected from EVERYONE within the next week.
Kim, I know you offered to manage this... have you set a date to have it in? Just wondered, because if not I think it should be Friday at the latest, that gives people plenty of time put a few pounds aside.


If there is already a deadline set, or something, when is it please??



  1. I think we need to volunteer a few others to help Kim out with this... someone who is keeping their head to the floor! Come on hands up!

  2. Yeah I was going to mention a date in the meeting tommorow, Friday sounds good.

    So if people can start bringing it in so i can start collecting them that would be great.

    And another volunteer would be nice haha :)
