Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Just a little something.

This is kind of depressing, but after today I think everyone had a big shock as to how much time we have left. So I've done this so everyone knows where they are at.

OK....... This is our time left. The highlighted parts is the time we have left in the lab.

TU 25th
WE 26th
TH 27th
FR 28th
SA 29th
SU 30th
MO 31st
TU 1st
WE 2nd
TH 3rd
FR 4th
SA 5th
SU 6th
MO 7th
TU 8th
WE 9th
TH 10th
FR 11th
SA 12th
SU 13th
MO 14th
TU 15th SHOWTIME!!!!!!!!

We can do it!! :)


  1. Thanks Jess... yep it is upon us! Keep smiling though.

  2. You are the devil Jess, and just love to make me die inside. :'(

  3. Emily dear :( Please be happy xx
