Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Styling/Hair and Make up team

I am allocating you to fund raising as well! Please can you gather collate ideas for fund raising and have a definite plan by the meeting on Wednesday.

1. Raffle - collect items made by fashion:lab students - So far we have rosettes from Sarah, a bag from Leanne, jewelery from Lilo- that's only 3 prizes though guys so we need more! Anyone up for baking a cake?

2. Clothing Swap Shop - we could do this one evening, it needs to be organised though.. advertising!

Thanks Styling/Hair and Makeup and Fund raising teams!



  1. i think i can organize the clothes swap with someelse ,if anyone wants to do this ,we can all talk tomorrow at the meeting.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My original idea - which I put really badly, thus I deleted the comment - was for someone good at illustration to create something to be framed, like fashion art. It could be good if we could all chip in and make a figure of ourselves that is quite abstract? Just an idea...

  4. yh i could bake a cake, if anyone wants to help!

    n i think the raffle is a gd idea!

    we would have to have a decent turn out of people though to make it work!

    Are we doing both the frock swap and raffle?

    soo advertising is crucial, posters, flyers, anything.
