Wednesday, 19 May 2010


Hi First Years

Firstly a great big thank you for all the hard work you are putting into the show. It is great to see so much energy and enthusiasm!

Can you please remember the following....

Over the next two weeks you must complete your projects for Photography/Illlustration/Textiles/Fashion/CAD/Drawing/Production and attend these lessons AS NORMAL!

Any extra curricular activities related to the show must happen in the time allocated outside these lessons, you do not have permission to leave early.

During next week and the week after half term we will expect you to attend 9-4pm everyday (letters to follow for parents) BUT you will still attend lessons as normal within these hours.

For example: Student A has had all fashion units signed off - they will attend Fashion as normal on Monday but will work alongside their allocated 2nd year/Foundation student. Student B still has 2 units in fashion to complete they will attend fashion as normal and complete these units, before they begin work on the show.

Any questions/confusion please ask Emily or Jeanette.

Thank you

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